Bryant Landscape Planning
professional | proportionate | proactive
Liz Bryant is a Chartered Landscape Architect (CMLI). She studied at Clare College, Cambridge (BA Hons History of Art and Architecture) and Greenwich University (MA Landscape Architecture)
Prior to starting Bryant Landscape Planning, she worked at arc Landscape Design & Planning and Allen Pyke Associates, working on projects across a wide range of development sectors. She has a collaborative and client-focussed approach, and has extensive experience of working in multi-disciplinary teams
She is a mentor and examiner on the Landscape Institute Pathway to Chartership and has led CPDs on Landscape-led Masterplanning
Examples of some previous projects:
Land at Cranleigh Road, Portchester
Type of development: Mid-scale residential
Landscape & Visual Impact Appraisal for a 120 unit residential scheme on a greenfield site in Portchester. Planning permission was initially refused and Liz appeared as an expert witness at the Planning Inquiry, where the Inspector overturned the original decision.
Land at Summer Road, St Nicholas at Wade
Type of development: Small scale residential
A landscape and visual appraisal assessing the potential effects of a development proposal for six dwellings on a greenfield site adjacent to a conservation area.
Solent Business Park, Hampshire
Type of development: Commercial
Landscape & Visual Appraisal to support a hybrid application for light industrial, a day nursery, gym, hotel, restaurant/bar and multi-storey car park.
Land at Horton Heath, Eastleigh
Type of development: Urban extension
Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment (ES and addendum) assessing the potential effects of a 1,400 dwelling urban extension, including primary and secondary schools, commercial centre, allotments, sports facilities, ecology park and green infrastructure.
Charlton Riverside
Type of development: Regeneration of brown field site in an Opportunity Area
A Townscape & Visual Impact Assessment assessing the effects of the first phase of the wider Charlton Riverside Masterplan. The proposals were for a residential-led mixed use development with buildings ranging from 1 to 10 storeys and the TVIA included Accurate Visual Representations.
Carlby Parish Landscape Character Assessment
A Landscape Character Assessment commissioned by Carlby Parish Council as part of the evidence base prepared to inform the Neighbourhood Plan.
Dunheved Hotel, Thornton Heath
Type of development: Extension to locally listed building
Townscape & Heritage Statement prepared with a specialist heritage consultant to provide an independent expert opinion as written evidence to support an appeal against the refusal of planning permission. Included Accurate Visual Representations of the proposed scheme.
Birchwood, Kingston Hill
Type of development: Single dwelling
Appraisal of visual effects of a single dwelling on a site within a conservation area.
Green Belt sites in Elmbridge
Housing Site Promotion
Analysis of landscape opportunities and constraints of three sites within Green Belt to assist their promotion for allocation through the Local Plan.
Minster House, Bedford
Type of development: Redevelopment of assisted living unit
A Visual Impact Appraisal assessed the potential effect on sensitive visual receptors, in particular on views from Hatfield House (Grade I), including DSM (Data Surface Model) verified wireframes.
College Bank, Rochdale
Input into EIA screening request
A townscape and visual impact appraisal to assess whether the removal of three of the iconic ‘Seven Sisters’ towers would result in significant townscape or visual effects.
Land at Ainderby Steeple, North Yorkshire
Type of development: renewable energy
A Landscape & Visual Appraisal of the effects of a 5.9MW ground-mounted photovoltaic solar farm.
Police House Field, Horsted Keynes
Landscape Capacity Study
The study assessed whether the site, which is within the High Weald AONB, had the potential to accept a greater quantum of residential development than the draft allocation within the Neighbourhood Plan.
Bryant Landscape Planning is a Registered Practice of the Landscape Institute (Membership No. OOO5OO74).