Bryant Landscape Planning
professional | proportionate | proactive
Bryant Landscape Planning's core services are:
Bryant Landscape Planning provides professional, proportionate and proactive advice, informed by the following:
Experience of working with a wide range of clients including volume housebuilders, developers, joint ventures, private clients, local authorities and care-providers.
Detailed knowledge and application of national policy (NPPF), regional policy such as the London Plan and London View Management Framework, and Landscape Institute assessment guidance (GLVIA3).
Practical experience of providing initial landscape appraisals and advice to support clients in development site selection/acquisition, for example landscape capacity studies identifying landscape opportunities and constraints, developable areas etc and landscape appraisals to support site promotions through the local plan process.
Landscape character assessments, for example to inform Neighbourhood Plans or as part of an evidence base prepared by local residents groups.
Extensive experience of preparing visual appraisals for urban, peri-urban and rural sites throughout the UK, including sites within or close to sensitive landscapes such as AONBs, National Parks or Green Belt.
Assessment of different types and scale of development including projects for private clients in sensitive landscapes, volume residential, tall buildings, sustainable energy, large-scale warehouse and logistic hubs and educational establishments.
Landscape/Townscape and Visual Assessments as a chapter or stand alone volume within an Environmental Statement.
Contribution to screening and scoping reports for Environmental Statements
experience of preparing townscape assessments for tall buildings or developments within sensitive urban settings or Opportunity Areas.
Working with cultural heritage specialists to consider the contribution of heritage assets to the value of landscape, townscape and visual receptors.
Experience of consulting with local authorities and statutory consultees, for example on the location of representative views.
Coordination and briefing of accurate visual representations.
Preparation of Proofs of Evidence and acting as an expert witness at Informal Hearings and Planning Inquiries.
Working in large multi-disciplinary teams with co-consultants such as architects, engineers, ecologists, arboriculturalists, hydrology engineers, ES coordinators etc.
Bryant Landscape Planning is a Registered Practice of the Landscape Institute (Membership No. OOO5OO74).